About Us


We at Intellingenuity Journals are a group of seasoned academics with decades of experience in research writing and review of intellectual creative outputs, here, we are poised to provide scholars with the crucible needed to forge their research works into high quality and impactful research papers with wide reach.

About Us

Intellingenuity Journals is a brainchild of a group of dissatisfied scholars who are determined to disrupt the unpleasant trajectory associated with getting published. Publishing in reputable journals does not have to be fraught with all the hassles scholars grapple with to get their research works published. This journal sets out to show better appreciation to the efforts of scholars who merge intelligence and ingenuity in their attempts to carve out a niche for themselves in their various disciplines.

As a reputable multidisciplinary international journal indexed in most major database and citation generators, scholars are availed with the opportunity to publish their creative outputs in high impact journals that peruse works via a high quality and fast peer-reviewed mechanism that promises conspicuous visibility and wide reach at no cost.